Saturday, October 29, 2016

Look At That View Project

Drawing – Look at That View



1.     Describe how you created an interesting point of view? Was it successful? Why or why not?

I created an interesting point of view by adding the side-view mirror of  a car into the drawing. I think that was a really original and creative way to use multiple different points of view. I think it was successful, because you can tell that the mirror is showing behind where you are driving and behind the mirror is what you would be seeing out of the window of the car.


2.     Why is it important to understand perspective and how to draw it?

it is important to know perspective and how to use it for this piece, because without it, you wouldn't really be able to tell what's going on and it would all just look off and not as realistic. By using perspective it also helps to draw the right proportions.


3.     How were the colored pencil exercises important in the success of your piece?

Without having learned how to shade and how to layer the colored pencils in the exercises we did, I don't think my project would have turned out as well. I was able to learn what colors worked well on what colored paper and to not press too hard on the prismacolors when drawing.


4.     Describe the craftsmanship of your colored pencil. What techniques were used? (How well the project is technically crafted).

I used one point perspective in my project, but I used two different plains, since there was a mirror looking behind, and a view ahead. I tried doing it all at once, but I had to erase it and start over because the two separate plains were confusing me, so I did them one at a time.


5.     Were you able to achieve depth by showing a foreground, middle ground and back- ground? Explain.

Yes. I think I had a nice composition. I had different parts of my drawing on different plains, and I made sure to draw the things that were closer, bigger, and the things that were further away smaller.


6.     Explain your experience with colored pencil and the project in general. What were the obstacles and advantages?

 This was my first time using prismacolors in an actual project. I used them once for an exercise in Art 2, but it was just for one day, so it doesn't really count. I thought it was really fun to work with colored pencils! It's currently my favorite medium to use. Even though I liked using colored pencils a lot, I still faced some obstacles.  When I was drawing the grass I had a hard time making it look separate, but at the same time, combined, so it wasn't just a bunch of lines. I think some of the advantages I had in this drawing included the blending of all the different colors. I think the sky looks really good, and is kind of a pop of color.

7.     Looking back on the progression of this project what skills, techniques or other information would you like to have been taught? Do you feel you were prepared for this project?


 I wish I would have known how to draw metal, since my drawing involved a car. I can see why we weren't taught this though, considering the fact that not everyone needed to know how to draw metal. I was absent the day after we started on this project, so I feel like I was not prepared, but it was my own fault. I think I pulled through though, and created a decent piece.




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