Tuesday, May 23, 2017


In class we were given the assignment to choose acrylic or oil paint, and we had to paint something using that media. I chose a sunflower because they are my favorite kind of flower and they grow all along the side of my Grandma's house, and remind me of her. I had a challenging time getting a range of value in this piece. Since the sunflower in my reference picture was almost completely yellow, I had to imagine the deeper colors to really add depth to my piece. Sadly, I was unable to get a picture of my painting  when I finished because I finished late and had to hurry and turn it in. It simply slipped my mind to take a final photo. If I could re-do this piece, I would try to pay more attention to the middle of the sunflower. Although I do like the texture I made there, I don't like how it looks kind of thrown together. Overall, I really enjoyed this project, and my love for painting grew immensely.

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